Bank Indonesia Building and Post Office.
This beautiful Colonial building situated in the north to the Palace. A few meters to the east there is an old Catholic Church of Religious Affairs which is located on Jl. Secodiningratan (Now Jln P Senopati).
This beach is located in Gunungkidul District, located about 60 km south of Yogyakarta city. Baron beach is an estuary of the river under the rocks. This beach is actually a bay flanked by walls of palm tree hills.
The waves considered rather large. As a natural sequence from the beach perpantaian Baron, Kukup picture of the beach is not much different. This beach is about 1 km from the Beach Baron. Characteristic of the object is in the collection Kukup Beach hiasnya fish. Visitors can simply view or even buy it. Another characteristic feature yang exoticism of this beach is the color of white sand beaches yellowish.
Banyu Temple Nibo Banyunibo
Banyu Temple Nibo Banyunibo

Batik Crafts
Batik times used as a symbol of heritage handed down from our ancestors. Batik-making process can be seen in some Batik Gallery next to the southern city of Jogjakarta that was hereditary.
Biological Museum
Located in Sultan Agung street Number: 22 Yogyakarta is a means of education about wildlife (fauna) in natural plants (flora) of Indonesia. In this museum can be seen various kinds of dry and wet herabrium, various types of animals and the skeleton. Some of them exhibited in the form of diorama, which shows the life of animals and plants, the situation resembles the wild original. The museum is open on every day: Tuesday through Thursday at 08:00 to 13:00, the number; at from 08.00 - 11.00, Saturdays from 08.00 - 12:30, and Sundays at 08.00 - 12.00.
Bird Market (Pasar Bird Ngasem)
Precisely in the subdistrict of the Palace, and only about 200 m from the sultan's palace gates and coincide with the Castle, there is a market that is known as 'bird market', although actually a common market, because not only the types of animals and birds that exist in the market them. The market is known by the name Ngasem market.
It is the world's largest Buddhist temple which is one of the seven wonders of the world. Adjacent to the Northwest city of Yogyakarta, approximately as far as 42 km. Built in the 8th century, with hard work and sweat that soaked under the sting of the tropical sun, the workers supported perseverance and dedication from relatives and people Cailendra dynasty in power at that time. The temple is actually showing the greatness of the kingdom Cailendra, which seeks to describe the life history of Sidhartha Gautama and explain its teachings through reliefs that terukiir beautifully on the temple walls.
Is a complete cultural meseum after the Central Museum in Jakarta. Located on the northwest side of the square north of Yogyakarta. Museum which is also a means of education, particularly in the field of arts and culture funding archaeological museum also has a library with adequate especially books relating to cultural issues as well save the cultural heritage Rokhani that no high-value, can be visited every day between 08.00 - 13.00 pm.
Cerme Cave
Behind the attractions of fame and the tomb of the king Parangtritis Mataram (Imogiri), Bantul district still has one more tourist attraction that is not less interesting. Cerme natural attractions of Goa, a tourist attraction hidden in Hamlet Srunggo, Imogiri.Untuk down the entire niche of Cave Cerme a tunnel along the 1,200 meters, it takes about 2 hours more. Along the road that passed by, has a winding path, decorated with stalactite and stalagmite that squiggly
Church Kotabaru
Located 2km west of the Tugu Station / malioboro. It is a colonial relic of an old church. Famous with the name of St. Anthony Catholic Church.
Kirti Griya Dewantara
Museum located in JalanTaman Student No 31 Yogyakarta was once a family residence Ki Hajan Dewantara. This museum is a memorial museum owned by the Foundation College Park Student Union. The museum is located heart of Yogyakarta city with a building area of 300 square meters and a land area of 2700 square meters can be visited at any time by public transport, city bus, pedicab, or horse cart. Kirti Griya Museum Collection Dewantara a collection of letters - letters Ki Hajar Dewantara totaling 876 shoots, household equipment, documentation, photos - photos and movies with one unit of Ki Hajar Dewantara title of National Hero. Thanks to advances in film technology can be presented to the visitors so that the sound Ki Hajar Dewantara which is a dialogue can be enjoyed in a special room.
Dieng Plateau

Aerospace Mandala
The museum is located in the complex Lanuma Adisucipto. Inside the museum is a picture of Air Force leaders, panji-panji/pataka aircraft used Indonesian Air Force from 1945 until now, and objects of history that has to do with the struggle of AURI. To visit the museum, at the time of his arrival the group leader / visitors need to report the post perjagaan. The museum is open every day: Monday to Thursday at 8:00 a.m. to 13:30, Friday from 08.00 till 11.00 and Saturday from 08.00 till 12.00.
Center of the town, in front of the Great House (the former Presidential palace in the days of Yogyakarta became the capital of the State in 1946), behind the Monument of General Offensive March 1 lies an ancient fortress, Vredeburg. The fort was deliberately established by the Dutch colonizers to secure his rule by a governor of the Dutch East Indies who reside in the Governorate Building (Great House now).
Glagah Beach is located 40 km from the city of Yogyakarta, including Kulonprogo region. In this coastal region has built a variety of facilities and amenities include swimming fishing, recreational parks, camping ground and substations pandang.Bagi visitors who have a hobby sport rowing can channel his talent / hobynya at this beach by boat Kano.
University of Gajah Mada
One of the largest and oldest university in Indonesia. Established since 1949 and has complete facilities to the present.
Great House
Palace of Yogyakarta, known by the name of the Great House is located in downtown, precisely at the southern tip of Akhmad Yani Street formerly known as Jalan Malioboro, the heart of the capital city of Yogyakarta Special Region. Regions palace located in the Village Ngupasan, Gondomanan District, Municipality of Yogyakarta, and located at an altitude of 120 meters above sea level. This palace complex occupies a land area of 43.585 m2.
Delighted Loka
Relatively happy Loka is a small zoo located on the banks of river Gajah Wong, 3 km east of main Post Office. It has interesting collection of animals, local and foreign. In the compound, there are recreational facilities Such as a pond for Boating and a children's playground. During school holidays, gamelan music and musical entertainment are performed in the Grounds.
Actually Tomb Hastanegara, and is the tomb of a younger age compared with Kotagede tomb. In this Imogiri tomb, buried kings who ruled the kingdom of Mataram sepeninggalan Panembahan Senopati, especially the son of Sultan Agung Hanyokro Kusumo. The tomb was built over the hill, and to achieve it we must climb the stairs of stone terraces as much as 345 pieces to arrive disuatu crossroads. Pilgrimage to the Tomb of Imogiri can be done every Monday between 10.00 am until 13:00 or haru week between the hours of 13:30 until 16:30 pm
Hindu temples (pura), the largest temple on Jl Sorowajan Yogyakarta.terletak
Jalan Malioboro
It is one of the shopping center in Jogja. Malioboro hustle and splendor can not be separated from the many vendors who line the street Malioboro hawking wares, almost everything on offer is a goods / objects of Jogja as a souvenir / gift for tourists. They traded handicrafts typical of Jogjakarta, among others ayaman rattan handicrafts, leather, batik, silver, bamboo and others, in the form of batik clothes, leather bags, leather shoes, rattan ornament, leather puppets, bamboo key chains, spoons / forks silver, blangkon Batik [semacan cap of Jogja / Java], t-shirts with various models / writing and many others. The vendors are there which showcases wares on the table, cart only those that hold the plastic on the floor. So when a visitor busy Malioboro enough alone among visitors will jostle each other because of the narrowness of the road for the pedestrians as it is quite dense and the number of traders on the right and left.
Museum Sasmitaloka
To preserve the values of liberty and the struggle to maintain independence from colonial rule is necessary at all if we visited the Museum Sasmitaloka General Sudirman Street Bintaran No. 3 Yogyakarta. From inside the building this Sasmitaloka visitors invited to watch some of the history of the long struggle of the Indonesian nation achieve its independence, including through open and with a guerrilla war conducted by the best sons of this country and one of them led by Colonel Sudirman V Navan Division Commander at the time.
Kalasan Temple
Located just 50 yards on the edge of the south of Yogya-Solo Road, Kilometer 14 and approximately 600 meters southwest Candi Sari. Kalasan is the oldest Buddhist relics in the area of Yogyakarta and Central Java, built in the year 778 AD as offerings to the goddess Tara was patterned Buddhist Kalasan but its founders are Rakai Wanca Panangkaran of Sanjaya who embrace the Hindu religion, of persuasion Teacher-teacher from Wanca Syailendra who embraced Buddhism. Kalasan temple is also famous as a beautiful decoration and a very fine stone carvings. In addition, ornaments and reliefs on the exterior walls covered with old-fashioned type of cement called Vajralepa
Palace Ngayogyakarta
Is a source of radiant art of Javanese culture that can be seen through the beauty of architecture with ornaments very fascinating. Every day, tourists began to visit the Palace opened at 7.30 to 13.00, except on Juma't Palace is only open until 12.00 pm.
Village Kasongan
Located in Southwest of Yogyakarta. Famous as a village artisan pottery.
Kepatihan Danurejan
Was formerly the residence for Patih. Vizier in the kingdom of Yogyakarta is always a degree DANUREJO. Thus, the residence of the governor called Danurejan.
Town or Kota Gede Gede Kotagede
Sometimes referred to as the Capital City of the Old, because once this place is the capital of Mataram Islamic kingdom first. Previously, this place is called Alas Mentaok forest, which is given to Panembahan Senopati by Sultan Pajang, king of the Hindu kingdom in East Java, because it has helped save Pajang Senopati. In 1575, Panembahan Senopati, who became the first king of Mataram Islam, to build this area and set it as the capital city.
Tomb of King Kota Gede
In each area must be easy to find the tomb, as well as in Yogya. Even in Yogya, in addition to easy to find the tomb of a general, also known as the tomb of the kings of Mataram, which is known by the name of Imogiri. Besides in Imogiri, there are also grave Kotagede. In this tomb of the founder of Mataram, Panembahan Senapati was buried.
This tourist park is located 35 kilometers west of the city of Yogyakarta, in peghunungan Menboreh. Park consists of Kiskendo Goa, Goa Sumitro and Watu Blencong. Is a natural cave in the mountains Menoreh located 1200 m above the sea surface temperate cool, from the shape and the situation is very similar to what is implied in the legend of legends Kiskendo Cave Palace (which is a fragment of the story of the Ramayana), home to giant Mahesasura yang buffalo-headed-headed and Lembusura sapi.Dalam puppet story, in this place occurred the battle between Subali Sugriwa with Mahesasura and vizier that inhabit the cave ini.Di Lembusura addition geological conditions of the caves in the rocky limestone area, Inside Kiskendo cave there are many stalactites and stalagmites bentuknya.Di strange yet beautiful flowing river in this cave deep underground puppet story, and in the battle between Subali; Sugriwa and Mahesasura; Lembusura, drain the water red and white.
Although still a chain from a visit to the Beach Baron and Kukup Beach, nuance Krakal Beach en route to a slightly different location. Even so to speak, Cote Krakal give the whole picture of the beach panorama. Along the way to the location of this beach, seen the beauty of limestone hills interspersed with rock terraces. Alloys such rocks is known as karst regions, namely the former seabed that experience the process of appointment of the earth's crust that rises to the top to form a plateau. These rocks, a former nest / house reef animals that live at the time. Beach Krakal relatively gentle. This allows sunlight perpantaian turn on the horizon, and with a cool sea breeze blows. White sand spread out quite long on the seashore, which is about 5 km, as always pure white dibasuk by large waves.
Located at the foot of the cliff Parangtritis is a famous health resort, although in the vicinity are also many similar areas, such as Tapan Cave, Spring Beji, as well as Cave Demon. In writing books, Dr. Hermanus Johannes de Graaf, the Dutch scientist who specializes in the appraisal of the land of Java, called the cave as Queen of South Cave. Therefore, this cave is a place frequented by reraja Mataram. In this cave is also said to have meditated Sheikh Siti Jenar and Sunan Kalijaga. From the beach to get to the cave Parangtritis still have to walk about 3 km to the east. Do not be shocked or horrified when you are on the cliff edge. With a height of 400 m cliff and nearly perpendicular, the way to the cave a challenge. The road to the foot of the cliff where the cave is a mixture between the stairs (there are 4 pieces in separate places), roots, rocks and bumps. Arriving at the cave, visitors can bathe in one chamber. Used bath water comes from springs that come out of the cave. The water is cold and fresh and contains high levels of calcium can relieve fatigue from travel to the cave. Out of the shower, then visitors are welcome to meditate. The silence in the cave is very helpful to focus the mind. Sound was the waves south coast.
Great Mosque
Located on the western side of North Square of Yogyakarta, which until now masihdipergunakan for everyday place of worship for Muslims. In the days of Islam, the mosque was used as a venue for official ceremonies of religious Islamic Supreme Yogyakarta.Masjid Yogyakarta Kraton has Javanese specific building style, mainly in the form of roof is also beautifully unique addition to resembling the Grand Mosque which was built by Sunan Kadilangu Kalijaga (one of his guardians Sango in the antique town of Demak) In the East wing of the front of the palace was used as the Museum Puro Pakualaman using a room 4, which can be visited by the public every Monday and Thursday between 11:00 until 13:00. In this museum saved historic objects that have high cultural value, and is from a past of family Paku Alam.
Martyrs' Mosque
One of the great Mosque in Jogjakarta historic. Located in Kotabaru - Jogjakarta.
The temple is located about 3 km before the temple of Borobudur of Yogyakarta direction, this temple has a pyramid-shaped roof and inside there are Buddhist statues yag flanked by two statues.
Monument March 1
Located next to the castle selatang Vredeburg stood rigid, reminding us of the national events that are spread in the history of the founding of the Republic of Indonesia. This event on March 1, 1949, when Lieutenant Colonel Soeharto (now President) led the attack into the city of Yogyakarta General who was in control of the Dutch colonial army. The attack succeeded brilliantly and the Indonesian National Army has managed to master the city of Yogyakarta for 6 hours to bring the people's sovereignty handover of the Dutch government to RI.
Museum Sasono Wiratama
The museum is often referred to as munumen Diponegoro because it is the former residence of Prince Diponegoro, a noble Sultan's Palace is famous as patriots in the fight against the Dutch colonialists between the years 1825-1830. Now in these buildings have been restored, saved many war relics in the form of equipment and other equipment once used him and his loyal followers. The museum is located in the area Tegalrejo, approximately 4 km from the city center. Wiratama Sasana Museum open to the general public visit, every working day between Monday to Saturday at 08:00 to 13:00.
Museums Struggle
The museum stands on the initiative committee warning: Half a century National Revival DIY "in the year 1958 that is intended to commemorate the history of the Indonesian National Struggle Construction begins with laying the first stone by Sri Paku Alam VIII, the date August 17, 1959 and Pembanguynan was completed on June 29 June 1961 with the laying of the last stone, the inauguration as well as the opening of the Museum by Sri Paku Alam VIII. At first, the Museum is managed by a committee "Half Century of National Awakening DIY" (1961-1963). Later in the Year 1963 until 1969 the Committee had difficulty in finding funding so that The museum was not opened by the General. In the Year 1970 -1974 Museum is still closed and is under the Provincial Government of DIY Culture cq Inspection Agency P & K DIY. In the year 1974-1980 the Museum is still closed, but the museum management delegated to the Regional Office of the Department of Education Province of Yogyakarta. And, New Year's 1980-1997 in the Museum was put together with Sonobudoyo State Museum, and opened to the public. On the date 5 September 1997 the Museum of Struggle united with the seaspek Museum (Museum of History) is the Museum Citadel Museum Citadel of Yogyakarta and the Yogyakarta Unit II
Museum (Gallery) Affandi
Located on the north side of the road Solo No. 167, precisely in the west slope Gajahwong river bridge, keeping the museum complex covering an area of 3500 m2 tahah consists of building a museum and houses the former dwelling house painter Affandi and his family. Affandi has received many awards from countries in Asia and Europe, besides the title Doctor Honoris Causa from the University of Singapore received. Affandi's paintings collection stored at the museum amounted to 300 pieces which regularly exhibited at the museum.
Mount Merapi has a height of 2968 m above sea level and is located approximately 25 km from Yogyakarta. Mount Merapi was first formed around 60000-80000 years ago. But the history of new activities starting observed and written as a document since 1791. Peak Merpai promising allure to enjoy the beautiful sunrise in the morning with natural scenery from the ranks of Mount Ungaran, Telomoyo and Merbabu. Gung and surrounding Merapi volcano offers tours like the cool air, cross country, the beauty of the lava dome is still active.
Market Beringharjo
Beringharjo Market was founded by Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. This market is situated in the northern palace complex. Market Name Beringharjo Beringan taken from the name of forest, ie forest that is the embryo of the city of Yogyakarta. In the forest there are dukuh named Pacetokan which is where the establishment of Sultan Palace now
Beach Parangkusumo
According to legend, this place is a field meeting with the king of Yogyakarta Kingdom Nyai Roro Kidul. The exact meeting place is located in a stretch of sand intrusion on perpantaian. In connection with the legend, this beach is known as very sacred.
Parangtritis located about 27 km south of Yogyakarta city. The location is easily accessible by various means of transportation. In addition, in this area quite a lot of available lodging facilities and restaurants, swimming pool, bathhouse and campsite. To achieve these tourist sites, there are two paths that can be used. The first path is relatively short, takni 27 km from Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta Kraton Kretek-Village-Parangtritis. If the journey performed in the morning and evening, on this route will always be found 'bicycle troops' workers who provide a picture of harmony and peace among them. Jallur second, although the travel distance 37 km, passing through mountain scenery route attractive. The route of this path is: Terminal Umbulharjo Imogiri-Region-Village-siluk Parangtritis.
Buddhist shrine mentioned in the inscription middle reef is situated 824 m supported in line with Mendut and temples in the village borobudur.terletak brajanalan Kec. Borobudur.
Plaosan (Buddhist Temple)
Plaosan located approximately 1 km to the east of the temple Sewu. This Buddhist temple consists of two main temples which are located side by side, each having its own basic foundation. Relief carving is located in the southern part of the temple depict the male and the other temples depict about women. Another specialty of this temple is the temple Perwata that mimics the form of the stupa.
Prambanan Temple
Prambanan is located approximately 17 miles to the Yogya Solo (Janti intersection to the East). Each person would have seen this temple because it is situated only 100 meters from the main road. At night the temple will be more beautiful because it is highlighted by lights powered Hindu tinggi.Candi 47 meters high was built by Sanjaya dynasty in this 9.Candi century consists of 3 complex. The main temple is located inside the complex and surrounded by smaller temples called the chapel. Some of these temples is the contribution of regional leaders as a tribute to the King.
Puro Pakualaman (1813)
Located at Jln Sultan. It is a small kingdom in the territory of the Kingdom of Ngayogyokarto Sultanate.
Ratu Boko (Hindu Temple)
Site Ratu Boko was on the hill at a height of 195.97 meters above sea level with an area of about 250,000 square meters. From here you like seeing a painting of a beautiful naturalist; Mount Merapi, which is always out backs smoke pomp and Candi Prambanan Sewu. Beautiful natural scenery is also looking so you mengeserkan head southwards. Panorama hills are full of color temple building; Banyunibo Candi, Candi Barong, Ijo Temple, and so forth. It's really like a painting!
Samas Beach
Samas is known to have big waves and there are river deltas and freshwater lakes that form the lake. Lake-the lake is used for the development of fisheries, sea turtles, and giant prawns and various fishing locations. Next there is the West Coast with beautiful panoramas Patehan Location: srigading Village, Kec. Sanden approximately 24 km from Yogyakarta to the south. Attraction / Event Tour: Carnival Ceremony Tumuruning Maheso Suro, Labuhan Alms Sea, Performing Arts (vacation and widths.) Terminal Facility. Parking, toilets, Lodging, Restaurants, SAR, Power Lines, Mosque and Transportation Facilities.
This Buddhist temple is located about 600 meters towards the north east of the temple Kalasan, on the north side of the main road between Yogyakarta and Solo. A small and beautiful temple consists of two floors. The top floor was once used to store goods for religious purposes. This temple was once also a monastery, where monks pray, meditate, and teach his followers. The walls of this temple is also covered by Vajralepa.
This temple is located about 12 km to the east of the city of Yogyakarta to the north of the main road between Yogyakarta and Solo. Sambisari is a very unique temple, this temple is located 6.5 meters below ground level. This temple was built in the 10th century. Since the eruption of Mount Merapi in the year 1006, the area around it covered with materials originating from volcanoes.
Cave Selarong
Area attractions in this beautiful natural landscape and suitable for use as the camp (Camping Ground). In the past, the cave was used as the headquarters of Prince Diponegoro in the guerrilla struggle against Dutch colonialism in 1825, moved to the Cave of Diponegoro 1830.Pangeran Selarong after his home in Tegalrejo attacked and burned down by Belanda.Gua Selarong located about 14 km north of Yogyakarta precisely in sub display and be on top of the hill is overgrown lot guava tree, which is typical of that object.
Sewu located only a few hundred meters to the northeast of the Prambanan Temple. with a cool environment you can enjoy a large Buddhist temple and spacious. includes several small temples, such as: temple Lumbung, Asu temple, temple Bubrah, and Lor Kulon temple.
It is a place of pilgrimage for devotees of Roman Catholic religion, this place was built to resemble Loudes in France, where in the old days, the Virgin Mary, the mother of Prophet Jesus Christ had appeared before a girl Santa Bernadeta, and perform many miracles attributed to the local community. Sendangsono name taken from the term "spring" which means spring and "sono", is the name of a type of tree. While Sendangsono means spring beneath the tree sono. In May and October, this place is crowded once filled with pilgrims from all over Indonesia.
Sono Art
Art Center In Yogyakarta there is a gallery called Art Sono. This building is located in jatung city of Yogyakarta. Adjacent to the State Palace "Great House". Once the strategic Sono Art so there are many arts and cultural activity carried out in this place. Especially in the 1970s until the late 1980s the building was not much art, so Art Sono become the primary choice. Sono Art In the building are different kinds of arts and cultural activities carried out. There were theater performances, painting exhibitions, talks, bazaars and so on. In short, Sono Arts in Malioboro very strategic point for the public present.
Taman Sari
Located approximately 400 meters from the complex of Sultan's Palace or about 10 minutes walk from the pages in the back Kraton Kidul or called Kemandungan Magangan.Taman page Sari means beautiful garden, in ancient times Sri Sultan is a place of recreation and its relatives Palace.
Telogo Muncar
Waterfalls in the area Tlogo Princess - Ground. On the slopes of Mount Merapi
Tugu Yogya
Is one of the heritage buildings of Sultan Hamengku Buwana I. Monument Construction is done to commemorate a sense of togetherness King (then Prince Mangkubumui) with the people united against the Dutch, so Prince Mangkubumi gaining ground Mataram. The monument was built a year after the Treaty Gianti. The height of monument at the time was first built is 25 feet.
Yogya back Monument
Established to commemorate the historic event that is free of Yogyakarta from Dutch occupation in 1949. This monument is located in Sariharjo, Sleman Ngaglik approximately 7 km from Tugu Yogyakarta. This monument should be entitled cone-shaped mountain and consists of three floors. The ground floor has a door straight from west to east in accordance with the rotation of the earth. On this floor there are a variety of display and the full story about the incident before "Yogya Kembali". The second floor has a door straight from north to south, interwoven with lines fisalfat Yogyakarta palace buildings. This floor contains the stories of struggle that began from the moment of Yogyakarta became the capital of Indonesia to Yogyakarta event again. The third floor is at the very top, on this floor has no door of the visitors could get into this room through the bottom. This floor has one room called "Gerba Graha" which means meditation room
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